English 211 Syllabus


Created by Virginia S. Baker, Eastern Kentucky University - 05/28/01

Last modified: 06/10/01 - This is a tentative syllabus until the start of the term.




Course Description


Target Population: Sophomore or above undergraduate students, wishing to meet a general education requirement for graduation. This course is intended only for students seeking credit. Any student who wishes audit credit only should not register for this course.


ENG 211, Survey of World Literature I, 3 credit hours, consists of selected readings from masterpieces of world literature from ancient times through the Renaissance.


Course Prerequisite: ENG 101 and 102, or ENG 105


Required Text: Maynard Mack and others, Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces: Literature of the Western Culture through the Renaissance.Vol. I. Expanded Edition. W.W. Norton & Co., 1995.   ISBN 0-393-96346-2


The textbook is available from the Eastern Kentucky University Bookstore for $51.35.To order by mail enclose an additional $6.00 to cover shipping and handling. To reach the bookstore call (859) 622-2696, or contact them

through the University Quick Links at:  <http://www.eku.edu>.






Course Objectives


1.               To create an awareness and appreciation of world literature


2.                 To provide students with a background that will enable them to enjoy various types of literature


3.                 To enable students to understand the literature of the period through an understanding of the historical, cultural, and social events of the period


4.                 To enable students to recognize in literature changing attitudes toward various themes such as man, nature, the church, and other institutions


5.                 To enable students to write clearly, concisely, and objectively about literature


6.                 To introduce students to the  development of various genres within each literary period, such as drama, poetry, and the essay





Class Preparation


The University has established basic guidelines which expect students enrolled in a 100--200 level course to spend at least two hours of preparation each week for each hour of credit.


Students in this class will be expected to schedule a minimum of six hours of course work each week. A personal schedule sheet which is provided in Course Documents should be downloaded, to document the time spent either reading the text or working at the computer. Students will be asked to submit this to the instructor at the end of week 3, week 9, week 12, and week 15.




Academic Accommodations


If there is any student registered in this class who is in need of academic accommodations and who is registered with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities, please make an individual appointment to call or e-mail the instructor to discuss accommodations. Upon individual request, this syllabus can be made available in alternative forms. If any student who has not registered with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities has need of academic accommodations, please contact the Office directly either in person on the first floor of the Turley House or by telephone at (859) 622 -1500 V/TT.





Computer Requirements


1.          Students who enroll in this course must have computer hardware sufficient to access either Netscape 4.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0 software. A minimum of Netscape 4.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher is required for Blackboard users. Reliable Internet access is required.


2.          Students must have either Eudora or Microsoft Outlook e-mail software installed, or comparable e-mail software capable of sending and receiving e-mail and attachments. Students interested in getting a free e-mail account at EKU should follow the directions given at  http://www.itds.eku.edu/ac/help/email/  


3.          Students must have access to Microsoft Word software for written assignments.




Course Requirements


1.                Students should e-mail the instructor on the first day of class, to confirm  registration.


2.                Students will be expected to complete the assigned readings as scheduled, and post weekly responses on the discussion board, as indicated in the assignments.


3.                Students will be expected to write a variety of assignments from short e-mail messages to longer reports, using clear effective sentences and following the standard guidelines for grammar, punctuation, and composition.


4.                Students  will be expected to submit these written reports and papers electronically to the instructor, unless directed otherwise.


5.               Students will be expected to submit a short, research paper of approximately four to five pages by the end of week twelve. The topic must be chosen from the approved list, and confirmed with the instructor by the end of week seven. The paper should follow the guidelines established in the MLA Style Sheet.. See http://www.mla.org





Course Policies


1.   Academic Honesty is expected of each person in the class. Students are expected to do their own work, without assistance from anyone else. It is expected that all work which is submitted by a student is solely the work of that  student and no one else. For a more complete statement of Eastern’s policy on plagiarism, see the University Handbook for Students .


2.   Student On-Campus Meetings will not be a requirement for this class. Instead, all student work will be conducted either through textbook readings or on-line activities.


3.  Student Tests will consist of optional unit quizzes which will not be used for formal evaluation but instead will assist the student in determining his or her own understanding of the material.


4.  Formal Evaluation will consist of all written work including messages, reports, and the research paper submitted to the instructor. See Grading Policy.


5.   Student Interaction between members of the class is strongly encouraged. Student pairs will be asked to complete several exercises and post their responses on either the discussion board or in e-mail. As noted earlier, students will be expected to keep in touch with the instructor on a weekly basis.


6.   Student Information Pages will provide an opportunity for class members to post personal information about themselves, to introduce themselves to other class members.  Personal pictures also may be displayed, although this is optional. 


7.   Student Discussion Board will provide an opportunity for students to interact with other class members and with the instructor.


8.  Student Participation in a Chatroom Experience will be encouraged on at least one occasion, although it will not be required of all students since some students may not be technically able to access it.


9.  Student Schedule Sheet will be required of all students, to provide a weekly record of the time spent on this course: time reading the text, time doing the e-mail assignments, time completing the on-line assignments, and time completing the research project. This weekly record should be downloaded from Course Documents during the first week of class, and sent to the instructor at the end of the week 3, week 9, week 12 and week 15.





Grading Policy


Each assignment will receive a numerical grade. The research paper will be weighted to count as four assignments. The grade for the course will be determined by a simple average of each of the grades earned. Based upon the numerical average, the course grade will be a letter grade:


       A = 100--90

       B =   89--80

       C =   79--70

       D =   69--60

       F =    59 and below



If an assignment has been revised, the grade will consist of the average of the original and the revised grade.




Posting Course Grades


Because the web is not secure, posting student grades by e-mail may not be totally private and secure. If you wish to receive your grades through e-mail at the end of this course, you must print and sign the Grade Consent Form found in Course Documents, and return it to the instructor by means of the postal service. This should be done by the end of the first week of class.


Without your signature, grades will automatically be sent through the post office at the end of the semester. If you change your mind during the semester, please notify the instructor in writing, through the post office.




Other Privacy Issues


Please remember that the web is never totally secure, that hackers can and do hack into various types of information posted on Internet sites. Be especially alert with e-mail messages, whether personal or class-related. When posting your personal information to the Student Information Pages in Blackboard, you may omit posting your personal picture if you so choose.


Since students will be accessing this course through Eastern Kentucky University's Blackboard software, at <http:// www.courses.eku.edu> they should be very careful to use the password which was chosen during registration. After class begins, students should change their password, as instructed. Since this is a personal password it should not be shared with others, in order to protect the privacy of other class members. See Eastern’s Code of Ethics for Computing and Communications, at http://www.itds.eku.edu/ac/codeofethics.shtml


Always log out of the class at the end of your work session, and completely close your browser. This is especially important if you are using a computer in the library or other public setting, since others may get into the network and create problems.




Technological Problems


In case of technological problems which prevent students from accessing the class site in Blackboard, students should immediately contact the instructor. If the problem cannot be resolved quickly, the instructor will enable students to access the course materials on her personal web site at:







Student Posting of Assignments


1.   By the end of each week students are expected to post one e-mail message to the instructor, or one message to the discussion board. Usually this assignment will require a brief response to one of the unit objectives, or occasionally a short summary of one of the assigned web sites.


2.  The student is expected to contact the instructor weekly, even in cases of illness or other family problems!


3.   If the student is unable to complete the assignment because of illness, his or her message to the instructor stating that problem will be sufficient. 


4.   However, the student's assignment must be received by the instructor within two weeks, unless special arrangements are made with the instructor.



5.   Please keep in mind proper "etiquette" when sending e-mail to others. Avoid using all capital letters, because that communicates anger. Also, read through the messages carefully to be certain that they will not be interpreted as angry, strident, or demanding.





Dropping a Course or Withdrawing from the University


Students finding it necessary to withdraw from the University must submit an official withdrawal at the Registrar Record's Office, Coates Administration Building, Room 15. A withdrawal is granted only through the eighth week of classes during a regular semester or through the midpoint of any intersession, summer session, or non-standard course. A grade of "W" is assigned. Students who leave the University without an official withdrawal are subject to a grade of "F".


After the eighth week, a student who is the victim of extraordinary circumstances may petition through either the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management (undergraduates) or the Associate Vice President for Planning and Program Coordination (graduate student) for an administrative withdrawal from the University. The deadline for filing a petition for withdrawal under extraordinary circumstances is the last day of the full semester following the term from which the student is seeking withdrawal. The student should prepare a written petition and should include justification and documentation for the withdrawal. If approved, the Registrar will assign grades of "W" and will notify the instructors of the classes. (Reprinted from the Eastern Kentucky University, Undergraduate College Catalog, '99--'01.)




Eastern Kentucky University

Campus Contacts


For additional advising regarding this course, please contact the instructor.


Department of English

(859) 622-5861, or " http://www.english.eku.edu"


Admissions, (859) 622-2106, or " http://www.admissions.eku.edu"


Student Advising, (859) 622-3311, or "http://www.advising.eku.edu"


Financial Aid,  (859) 622-2361, or "http://www.finaid.eku.edu"


Billings and Collections, (959) 622-1232,  (859) 622-1236 (V/TTY), or "http://www.billings.eku.edu"


Housing and Residency, (859) 622-1515 (V/TTY) or "



(859) 622-1785 or (859) 622-6594 (V/TTY)



Registration On-line, "http://www.online.eku.edu"


Bookstore, (859) 622-2696, FAX (859) 622-2550, or contact "http://www.ekubookstore.com"


Library Resources, (859) 622-1785,  (859) 622-6594 (V/TTY) "http://www.library.eku.edu"


Computing Help:

EKU Help Desk, available 24 hours a day and seven days a week at "http://w4.eku.edu/search.cgi?q=&ps=20&o=0&m=any&ul=&x=14&y=6"


Extended Programs

Corbin Extension Center, (606)

528-0551, or contact " http://www.extendedprograms.eku.edu/Corbin"



Created by Virginia S. Baker  5/28/2001

For information or questions contact vsbaker@kih.net

Copyright 2001

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