Instructor's Statement on Academic Honesty

Created by Virginia S. Baker, Eastern Kentucky University - 05/23/01

Last modified: 06/09/01




Any documents posted in this course are copyright materials and are the sole property of the instructor. They may not be copied in any form, electronically or otherwise, without the written consent of the instructor.


Similarly, any messages or reports posted for this class by a student remain the sole property of that student and may not be copied, electronically or otherwise, without the written permission of that student.


If such written permission is given, then the reprinted document must acknowledge credit to the original source of the material.


Students should be aware that Eastern Kentucky University has stated policies concerning academic honesty, the use of copyright materials, and the use and transmission of computer information.


Please read these statements carefully, then if you understand the policies stated, please download and sign the Student Statement of Academic Honesty which is located in Course Documents. After signing, please put in postal mail and mail to the instructor by the end of the first week of class.


Academic Honesty

Academic Honesty has been defined by Eastern Kentucky University in the University Handbook for Students( 2000 - 2001 ) as follows:

Eastern Kentucky University faculty and students are bonded by the principles of truth and honesty which are recognized as fundamental for a community of teachers and scholars. The University expects that faculty and students will honor these principles which contribute to a foundation upon which a quality education can be built. With this premise the University affirms that it will not tolerate academic dishonesty.

1.                Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of presenting ideas, words, or organization of a source (published or not) as if they were one’s own, without acknowledgement of the original source. Since the university instructors assume material presented by students is their own unless otherwise indicated, all quoted material must be in quotation marks, and all paraphrases, quotation, significant ideas, and organization must be acknowledged by end notes or by some other form of documentation acceptable to the instructor for the course. Plagiarism also includes presenting material wheat was composed or revised by any student other than the student who submits it, as well as the term “deliberate falsification of footnotes”. The use of the material refers to work in any form including written, oral, or electronic (as in the case of computer files).

2.                Cheating

Cheating includes buying, stealing, or otherwise fraudulently obtaining copies of examinations or assignments for the purpose of improving one’s academic performance. During examinations or in-class work, it includes receiving oral information from others and referring to unauthorized notes or other written information. In addition, copying from others, either during examinations or in the preparation of homework assignments, is a form of cheating.

3.                Responsibility

Anyone who knowingly assists in any form of academic dishonesty shall be considered equally guilty as the student who accepts such assistance. Students should not allow their work to be copied or otherwise used by fellow students, nor should they sell or give unauthorized copies of examinations to other students.

4.                Procedures

In instances of academic dishonesty, the instructor shall confront the student immediately. The instructor may take one of four sanctions, depending on the severity of the infraction:

a. The instructor may give a failing grade for the assignment.

b. The instructor may give a failing grade to the student, in which case the instructor shall notify the chair of the department, the dean of the college in which the course is offered, and the dean of the college of the student’s major, the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research if appropriate, and the Registrar.

c. The instructor may refer the matter to the department committee on academic practices for its consideration and possible referral to the Student Disciplinary Board.

d. If a student has been assigned a grade of “F” and the instructor thinks the situation is serious enough, the instructor may submit the case to the department committee on academic practices with the recommendation that the student, if otherwise eligible, not be permitted to graduate with honors. This recommendation shall be made no later than the date on which the faculty member submits to the Registrar the grade report on which the “F” for plagiarism is assigned. At the time that the recommendation is submitted to the Academic Practices Committee, the Registrar shall be informed that the recommendation has been submitted.

e. Students who are assigned a grade of “F” in a course due to academic dishonesty will not be permitted to drop the course.

If a student fails more than one course as a result of academic dishonesty, the dean of the college of the student’s major shall refer the case directly to the Student Disciplinary Board for further action.

The student may appeal the instructor’s sanction by requesting the chair of the department to call the department’s committee on academic practices to hear the case. Any further appeal by the student must be on procedural grounds only and shall be addressed by the dean of the college in which the course is offered. The instructor may appeal the decision of the department’s committee on academic practices on procedural grounds only, and the appeal shall be addressed to the dean of the college. The dean shall appoint a committee to advise the dean on procedural compliance.  The committee shall consist of two faculty chosen from committees on academic practices of departments other than the one in which the infraction was reported and one student who serves on the committee on academic practices of another department. Any additional appeal shall be based on procedural grounds only and shall be addressed to the Vice – President for Academic Affairs and Research (Reprinted with permission from English Composition Booklet, 2000 – 2001, quoted from the University Handbook for Students, pp.  22 – 24).

Since instructors in English and all other courses expect students to know how to use information, plagiarism is a very serious offense. Students should be certain that they know how to use quotations, and how to cite their sources.

The Use of Copyright Materials


The University has affirmed its position in the Code of Ethics for Computing and Communications:


Any use of data and voice network systems that are owned or maintained by Eastern Kentucky University must conform to U.S. and international copyright and licensing laws and their acceptable use provisions. Such use must also comply with laws defined by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. The transmission or storage of all reproduced, distributed, altered, enhanced and/or manipulated copyrighted material must have prior written permission of the copyright holder.


Use and Transmission of Computer Information


The University's Code of Ethics for Computing and Communications also regulates the use of computer resources.


1.    Computer users may not share accounts with friends or relatives, acquire accounts for which they are ineligible, or maintain accounts no longer serving their purpose.

2.    Computer users must exercise caution concerning computer viruses and refrain from circulating damaging software.

3.    Computer users must not obtain sensitive information or disclose protected information to unauthorized persons.

4.    Computer users may not share account passwords with others.

5.    Computer users may not offend or harass others, by displaying or posting abusive, obscene or harassing messages.

6.    Computer users may not start or extend email chain letters.


The use of computers and their associated communication equipment to abuse, harass, or offend others is forbidden. Displaying, publishing, or distributing abusive, offensive and harassing materials through computer resources is no different than similar conduct carried out in person, by telephone, or by mail, and violations through electronic media will subject the individual to the same University sanctions. (See Code of Ethics for Computing and Communication at http://www. )


In closing, the Instructor also agrees to follow the guidelines for privacy of student educational records, as established in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), concerning posting of student information.



Created by Virginia S. Baker     05/23/01 4:49 PM

For information or questions contact

Copyright 2001

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